Listener & Subscriber Survey 

Thank you so much for subscribing to Kim Kiel Copy & the ill communication podcast. 

I'd love if you could take 5 minutes to let me know how I can bring you the best possible content over the next year. Fill it out anonymously, or if you include your name/email at the bottom, you'll be entered into a prize pack valued $1100!!! Deadline to enter: September 2 2023. Thank you!
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Which best describes you *
How did you discover the ill communication podcast *
What podcast genres do you listen to most? (check all that apply) *
What content do you find MOST valuable? (Select all that apply) *
What content would you like to see MORE of (Select all that apply) *
What's your biggest struggle with copywriting? *
Got a question about copy? Ask me anything! Maybe I'll turn it into a Q & A episode.
What do you enjoy most about the podcast or newsletter?
What could be improved?  (Seriously open to critiques and feedback here!)
Anything else you'd like to share? 
Thank you! Here's how to enter the prize draw.

Thank you for taking time to fill out the survey. I truly appreciate your insights and ideas. 

To enter the $1100 Prize Package of a Copy Audit of your website or sales page, a private 1:1 coaching session with me, and the Joy of Copy Card Deck, please include your email and name below. 

Enter to win the prize package. Drop your name and email below. Draw date: September 2 2023.
Get additional entries into the giveaway to boost your chance of winning! 
1. Subscribe to the podcast & leave a rating & review 
2. Take a screen shot of your review
3. Share it on social and tag me

For every tag or screenshot shared, you'll get an additional entry. Good luck!
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