112: A surprisingly simple way to build authority, grow your email list and find clients


In this episode, I’m sharing my approach to a simple yet effective marketing strategy: the monthly marketing moment. 

As a copy coach and sales strategist, I’m breaking down how hosting regular, low-key workshops or Q&A sessions has helped me grow my email list, build authority, and foster relationships with potential clients. 

Whether you're looking to build your brand, expand your network, or simply connect with your audience more consistently, this quick episode has something for you!

Topics We Cover in This Episode:

  • What is a monthly marketing moment?

  • How to implement your own monthly marketing moment without overthinking or overcomplicating

  • The 3 huge benefits of a monthly marketing moment

  • How to leverage existing tools and promote your event through free channels

  • Who this approach is ideal for

I hope after listening to this episode you can see why I love this "lazy, low-key style of launching" for boutique business owners and service providers who don't need complicated funnels or systems to attract a handful of premium clients.

If you need help brainstorming ideas for your monthly marketing moment or how to promote and keep it low-key and lean, message me on Instagram, LinkedIn or shoot me an email. I'd love to help you lazily launch a monthly marketing moment!

Wanna pick my brain? Here are two ways you can: 

  1. Visit https://www.speakpipe.com/kimkiel to record a voice note with your question or suggestion. Include your name, email, and background info for context.

  2. Send me a text. When you click this link, it’ll open up your text messenger, where you can text your question directly to me. Leave all the weird numbers that pop up and add your name and email or mobile number so I can keep in touch.

  • [00:00:03] Welcome to ill communication, copywriting tips and sales strategies for small business. I'm your host, Kim Keel. I'm a copy coach, sales strategist, and direct response copywriter. It's my mission to help women leaders and changemakers amplify their voices through copy. It's why I'm dishing out all the juicy tips, writing prompts, and sales formulas to help you generate more leads, book more calls, and get more high value clients on repeat. Sounds pretty good. It's time to ditch the overwhelm you might be feeling and find confidence in your copywriting so you can get your message out there and attract more soulmate clients. Let's get started. Hey, hey, welcome back to the Ill Communication Podcast. Now, if you've been here with me for a while, you know I'm all about finding the easy, simple way to do things. Maybe it's because I grew up in an analog era. I'm less likely to do something if it requires some kind of complicated tech. If I can do it in a low tech way, that's what I'm going to do. If I can do something a little quicker without all the bells and whistles and sophistication, that's what I'm going to do. The thing is, I run a really lean business, and I don't have the bandwidth nor the interest to create crazy, complicated launches or tech heavy funnels. I need to attract a few premium clients to work with me in my one on one services, or in my group copy coaching program, the Joy of Copy Club. So I'm currently not dealing with high volume clients or high volume of traffic.

    [00:01:48] Now, some might say I am leaving money on the table by not scaling or having a team or offering lower cost products. I can sell on repeat, but I just don't have it in me to do that. Managing the boutique business and my clients. Maintaining a top rated podcast, looking after my family, both young and old, keeping up with the household chores and looking after my own damn self is more than enough complexity in my life, so I often highlight slower, steadier, smaller growth over the other marketing agencies out there that are telling you to go bigger, faster, harder, stronger. Last week, I shared a couple of stories about how overcomplicating your marketing can be overwhelming and cause analysis paralysis, and I spoke about how to seek simplicity and focus to advance your business little by little. Check out the show notes or go back to the episode last week. But this week I want to share a slow and steady marketing approach that has served me really well in my business over the last six years. About once a month or every two months, or six weeks, or so, I host a monthly marketing moment and I have to shout out two of my mentors, Laura Wright and Amber Annett, who were the first I heard use this phrase to describe the kind of events I was already hosting. These events are simple workshops, like how to write an about page, or a masterclass on copywriting trends for the year, or simply just an open office hours Ask Me Anything session.

    [00:03:27] I host them live on zoom, so I interact with people in real time, which is kind of something we're all craving right now. I keep it intentionally simple. There's no complicated high tech funnel. I don't send any ads. I just set up a zoom meeting. I create a quick registration or sign up page with ConvertKit. And in the beginning, I just used Zoom's internal registration form, and then I promote it to my list, mention it to my business referral partners, and make a couple social media posts, including in groups where I'm a member. My free monthly marketing moments typically attract between 20 to 100 people. And what's great about them is they do three things one, they grow my email list because everyone who registers is added to my list. Two, it builds my authority and my body of work. Three it allows me to build relationships with prospective clients so they can experience what it's like to work with me. It builds, know, like, and trust. Hosting a monthly marketing moment gives me a reason to reach out to my community and potential clients, and invite them to a free event. This lazy, low key style of launching works really well for me. It keeps me in motion without all the effort and exhaustion that comes from a big quarterly or biannual launch. And yet I still grow my email list and attract clients. Hosting monthly marketing moments forces me to come out of my shell a little bit, to post a little more frequently and reach out to my audience more often.

    [00:05:04] And when I do, I boost my visibility. And often when I'm hosting a monthly marketing moment, I'll have past clients reaching out to work with me again. And I know it's because I'm putting myself and my energy out there and getting back on their radar. It really drives me crazy when gurus try to sell you a super complicated system to grow your business, like slick, tiny offers and tripwires and complicated webinar funnels. And yes, those can work. But if you're a boutique business owner or service provider like me, if you only work with a handful of clients at a time, you probably don't need all those complicated funnels and systems. Simple, low key relationship building is a very effective way to continually grow your business at a sustainable and enjoyable rate. If you want to experiment with your own low key, lazy launch or monthly marketing moment. Here are some tips. Don't overthink it. Host a simple workshop or even an open Q&A or Ask Me Anything session so you don't have to even prepare too much. Besides, you probably already have more than enough resources and can talk easily about something from your business without too much prep. Don't overcomplicate it. Use your existing tools and tech to host and promote it. If you don't have a sophisticated landing page and integration system, just use Zoom's built in registration system or experiment with Eventbrite. Do promote it in all the free ways available to you. Send a few invitations to your email list. Create events on LinkedIn or Facebook.

    [00:06:49] Use the promo bar or promo box on your website. Share a couple posts on your social media channels. Mention it on your own podcast or your YouTube channel if you have one, ask if you can promote it inside the communities where you're a member. Ask your business buddies to cross. Promote. Reach out to your business community and extend a personal invitation to them to attend the event and for them to share it with their communities or clients. And do show up in service and community. Create an opportunity to deliver value and build. Know, like and trust. The people who attend will fall in love with you. They may choose to work with you or they may refer you to their network. And if you host your monthly marketing moment regularly, every couple of months or once a month, you'll build your community, your brand, your authority, and your book of business. Now, I took a bit of a hiatus from hosting monthly marketing moments over the summer, but I will be back to hosting them again in the next couple of months, so stay tuned. And hey, if you need help brainstorming ideas for your monthly marketing moment or how to promote and keep it low key and lean. Message me on Instagram or LinkedIn or shoot me an email. I'd love to help you lazily launch a monthly marketing moment. Well, my friend, that's it for today. I'll be back again next week with another tip, prompt or copy recipe to help you create more ease and joy and sales through your marketing.

    [00:08:19] Bye for now. Hey my sweet friend! I want to thank you for joining me today. I just love creating and sharing content to make your business, and especially writing for your business, a little bit easier, so I'd love to know what your biggest copywriting or marketing questions are. What have you been struggling with, or do you want to pick my brain about a copywriting strategy or a tactic? I'm starting a new Ask Me Anything segment here on the pod. If you have a burning question about business, copywriting or marketing, or if you want to make an episode suggestion, I'm all ears You can participate in two ways. Number one visit speakpipe. Dot com slash Kim keel. There you'll be able to record a voice note with your question or suggestion. Make sure you include your name and your email and maybe a little background info for context. Number two, you can send me a text in the show notes of this episode. You'll see a link to text me a question or comment. When you click that link, it'll open up your text messenger where you can text me your question directly. Make sure you leave all the weird numbers that pop up, and please add your name and email address or mobile number so I can keep in touch. I can't wait to create these. Ask me anything or pick my brain episode, so please play along. I can't wait to help you solve whatever's blocking you from getting your message out there. Find the links to ask me your questions in the show notes.

Resources Mentioned

Reach out for support to brainstorm or plan your monthly marketing moment

111: Why simplicity is the secret to online business success

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113: “How do you continually come up with content ideas?” {Pick My Brain!}


111: Why simplicity is the secret to online business success