Kim Kiel

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95: How business owners can boost sales by 40% with a simpler message

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Want to turn your complicated and confusing copy into simple, powerful messages that create sales? I have you covered.

This episode of ill communication is the final episode in the mini-series on simplicity in sales and I share some powerful insights and trends I'm seeing in online marketing and sales.

In particular, you'll hear about the curse of TMI (too much information) and how that alone can hinder your sales.

I also share with you a few simple changes I made in some sales copy that led to a 40% boost in sales, which brought in an additional $100,000 in revenue for a client.

Topics We Cover in This Episode:

  • A true example of how simplifying your message can give your profits a powerful boost

  • The simple rule that will stop your readers from suffering from TMI

  • How a simpler message helped me generate a 40% increase in revenue for my client

It takes time and effort to make things shorter and simpler, but when you do, you will have a more powerful and effective message.

It is not easy to do, but my friend, that's why I'm here! If you want help crafting a simpler, but more effective message that drives sales, email me to explore the different ways I can support you at

Resources Mentioned

Listen to episode 93 for a copy quickie to simplify your sales

Listen to episode 94 and learn how you can make $150K with an ugly Google Doc

Listen to episode 15 to learn how to simplify copywriting and get more sales

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