3: Instantly level up your copy with the Rule of You


Are you looking for a super simple tip to transform your copywriting?

In this episode of ill communication, I am sharing a simple and actionable tip you can use to improve your copywriting today. Using this tip will instantly make your copy more relatable and enjoyable for your reader, and it will help you turn boring corporate copy into engaging and conversational copy.

Ready for the tip?

It’s called the Rule of You. It helps you make sure that you’re talking about your audience and their needs rather than yourself in your copy. When you follow this rule, the words “I”, “me”, and “ours” will be replaced with “you”, “your”, and “yours”.

It’s important to remember that your readers and customers are always asking “what’s in it for me?” This rule will help you answer that question. Using this rule in your copy helps you focus it on your readers and helps them feel more included and understood.

Topics We Cover in This Episode:

  • What the Rule of You is

  • Words to replace with this method

  • How to check to see if you are following this rule

  • Exceptions to the Rule of You

  • Why this may not work in Facebook ads copy

  • How using this rule will increase your engagement and sales

My invitation to you now is to open up your home page and count the number of times you used the words “I”, “we”, or “us” and compare it to the number of times you used “you”, “your”, and “yours”. If needed, maybe you can find a couple of sentences that you can rewrite to be more inclusive of your reader.

The Rule of You is just one of the dozens of simple copy tips you can get from a fabulous free resource I created for business owners just like you. It’s called The Ultimate Checklist for Magnetic Copy that Attracts & Sells. You can grab this checklist FOR FREE over at kimkiel.com/magnetic.

Resources Mentioned

Get the Magnetic Copy Checklist

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Stellar Theory Collective

We mix research, psychology and performance analytics with stellar design for brands and websites that work as hard as you do. Founded in Calgary, serving internationally.


4: Can't think about what to write? Use this tool.


2: How to write your bio with the 5 Sentence Formula