46: The power of copywriting to grow your business [Case Study]


Still wondering if you should invest in copywriting for your business?

In this episode of ill communication, I want to share a case study with you that really demonstrates the power of copywriting to grow your business. I’m sharing the story of one of my clients, Kaye.

Kaye is a small boutique fitness business owner and mom of three. So needless to say, she is busy. But investing in copywriting still had a huge impact on her business.

Kaye joined the Joy of Copy Club because she wasn’t getting the results she wanted with her email marketing efforts. She knew that she wanted to be the one to write her copy, she just needed some support. After 6 months of implementing what she learned in The Joy of Copy Club, her business transformed.

It was possible for her and it’s possible for you too!

Topics We Cover in This Episode:

  • The type of business that Kaye has and the problems she faced when it came to copywriting

  • Why she decided to join the Joy of Copy Club and some of the changes we made to her email marketing

  • How Kaye’s emails performed after using what she learned in the Joy of Copy Club

  • The transformation Kaye had in her business after 6 months of copywriting support

Thanks for hanging out with me and getting to know my client and friend Kaye from Core Love Fitness. Make sure to visit her website and follow her on Instagram to learn more about her.

If you're interested in seeing what the Joy of Copy Club is like, or maybe giving it a little test run to see if it's the kind of container that could support you in your business, I'm hosting a free Copy Club open house on June 20th. It'll be a chance for you to tour around the templates and trainings, and receive some live copy coaching as well. Sign up here!

If you want to streamline your message and stop being overwhelmed by writing all the copy in your business, the doors to the Joy of Copy Club Open next week. You can check it out here or book a call with me so we can see if it’s right for you. You can also email me any questions at hello@kimkiel.com.

  • [00:00:03] Welcome to Ill Communication, Copywriting, Tips and sales strategies for small Business. I'm your host, Kim Keel. I'm a copy coach, sales strategist and direct response copywriter. It's my mission to help women leaders and change makers amplify their voices through copy. It's why I'm dishing out all the juicy tips, writing prompts and sales formulas to help you generate more leads, book more calls, and get more high value clients on repeat. Sounds pretty good. It's time to ditch the overwhelm you might be feeling and find confidence in your copywriting so you can get your message out there and attract more soulmate clients. Let's get started. Hello. Hello and welcome to episode 46. Today we're talking about the power of copywriting to grow [00:01:00] your business. And I'm mixing things up a little bit today. You see, I was catching up with one of my clients the other day in Voxer. It's an app where you can send voice notes back and forth, and she was sharing some of the results of our work together. What's changed in her business and how she's carried some of that work even now that she's no longer working with me actively and wanted to share it with you because I think it really demonstrates the power of investing in copywriting. Now, if you go back to episode 35, you'll hear about different ways you can invest in copywriting and copywriting support.

    [00:01:37] Whether you DIY your copy, you outsource it to a pro who does it for you, or you find a container or service that allows you to write your copy with the support of a copy coach. So I thought it would be super helpful after that episode to hear an example of what the investment can do for you in your business. And I wanted to share about this particular client [00:02:00] because she runs a very small boutique business. She's a fitness trainer and coach and maintains a very small client base for her group programs and one on one clients. She's also a mom of three kids who were all in grade school who are all very active and busy in sports and extracurriculars. And she's also a substitute teacher. So occasionally she pops into the classroom. All of which is to say she's busy. And here's the thing. So often in this online world, we only hear examples of business owners who had 1200 people sign up for the challenge or welcomed 300 new clients on a launch or who had a five figure launch. And just so you know, I've got my jazz hands waving madly as I'm saying this. And yes, it's inspiring to hear and see those examples of success. But let's stop pretending that's the norm and that's even the ideal for many of us.

    [00:02:58] We don't want that kind of big, crazy [00:03:00] business. We want a beautiful little boutique business or consultancy where we work intimately with a handful of perfect fit clients. And it's not about racing to $1 million, but it's about creating a business that truly gives you the financial and time freedom we need as moms, as women, as human beings. So that's what I want to tell you about Kay and how investing in copywriting has helped her not only streamline and improve her messaging and copy, it's streamlined and improved her business as well. So I want you to meet Kay. She is the owner and founder of Core Love Fitness, which specializes in helping women develop and improve their core and pelvic floor strength. You know, when you're jumping on a trampoline and you have that little oopsie, she helps you with that. And full disclosure, she's helping me with that. So she works with pre birth and post [00:04:00] birth moms and women like me who are heading into menopause. Before joining the Joy of Copy Club, Kay didn't have much thought or much strategy in her messaging and marketing. Her emails were really long because she was dumping a bunch of different ideas into a bunch of emails and expecting people would take action, but they never really did. And it's probably because they were overwhelmed and they didn't know what action to take based on these really complicated, overfull emails she was sending.

    [00:04:31] I remember some of those earliest emails she'd bring to the copy coaching calls that really jumped around and had way too much information in them. In a few cases, I encouraged her to split a single email into 2 or 3 different emails. Kay told me that before joining Copy Club, she often sat on some really good ideas for content and offers. She told me she'd have really great ideas and then think, Oh, I should write an email about that. But a month would go by and she wouldn't have sent that email [00:05:00] because she hadn't created the consistency or habit of quickly crafting an email and sending it out without overthinking or overcomplicating at first. But what really tipped her over into joining the Joy of Copy Club was that she wanted to update her website copy. She knew she needed support, but the quotes she got were in the thousands of dollars, which wasn't accessible to her boutique size of business. So joining copy club would allow her to get her website copy rewritten and help her with all the sales copy she has to write for her business. Here's what she said about why she joined in terms of before joining Copy club.

    [00:05:40] First of all, it wasn't ever something that I ever thought I would join or needed to join or was on my radar at all. To be honest, I knew that I could not afford. Or like that wasn't even on my mind. But once was just kind of getting into the thick of things like sales pages and websites and [00:06:00] emails and social posts and everything was like, Oh my God, there is so much writing here and I like writing. So I also wasn't like totally a in the budget to pass it off to somebody or totally keen to do that. I did try that once. I had someone help me write an article and she was great. But I just realized like, I really like doing this writing on my own. So that's why I was so attracted to your model of the copy club, because I felt like I could learn a lot and then I could apply it to a bunch of different things. I knew I wanted to get my website redone. I'd gotten a couple quotes for copy and they were, you know, in the thousands. And so then I thought, well, why wouldn't I put that money toward Copy Club and write my own copy for my own website and at the same time learn how to write better emails, learn how to write better, everything. So that was kind of where I was at, I guess, as I was joining. Or what made me make the shift.

    [00:06:54] Now, after being in the Joy of Copy Club KS emails performed way [00:07:00] better. Not only has she seen evidence of this in terms of increased open rates, engagement clicks and yes, sales, but we actually have a mutual friend who's been on K's email list for a long time, and she's commented to me a couple of times how she has seen a significant transformation in K's emails. They're simpler, they're easier to read, more enjoyable, they're easier to follow. And when something's easier and more enjoyable to read, guess what? People are going to make a point of reading more of your emails. More people are opening and responding to her emails, which gives her great insight into what her customers and clients want, which in turn helps her create more content and more sales. It's like this beautiful, positive marketing feedback loop.

    [00:07:54] In terms of like sales. Yeah, I just have found it easier and I feel more [00:08:00] confident, like selling things to my email list partially from just your like confidence boosting and coaching and partly because I know I'm getting really good feedback. A lot of people open my emails, a lot of people write back and say, Thanks for this, or I love this, this is so helpful or that kind of thing. So it's really like encouraging me that this is valuable stuff and people are going to want to see it. And so send more emails for sure. And that's definitely another thing. I send much more emails and then a added bonus that I didn't expect was like. Because I have more strategy around my emails. Then I also have a little bit more strategy related to social media, because if I'm sitting in an email, I might as well say a version of it on social media kind of thing. So yeah, all of those things feel easier. I mean, I still feel I need a lot more system and planning and time around them, but I'm like miles ahead of where I was this time last year.

    [00:08:57] To help her tackle her web copy project. [00:09:00] Used the home page about page and services page templates to completely rewrite her website. Every couple weeks she'd show up to a copy call with draft copy for one of those pages and we'd optimize it together. The other people on the call would chip in with messaging that resonated with them or things that they found confusing. Can you imagine? It would have been so overwhelming to have completely written her website copy on her own with no feedback and no templates to help organize the information in a way that creates a streamlined, simplified and compelling sales message. Mean yes, we all start out that way, but at some point you want to add a little more strategy and a little more thought to create those compelling sales messages. And let me tell you, all of this work had an impact. First of all, Kay has a new habit of writing more consistently to her audience and writing copy that empirically [00:10:00] connects and engages more and sells more to her audience. Secondly, while working together, her email list grew by 30% because those weekly calls got her thinking about putting offers and free events out there. The sales strategies and processes we cover helped her add things into her free events and offers, and as a result, she doubled her participation in her year end campaign. Thirdly, her client base increased by about 10%. And when she shared that with me, she was like, I know it's just a small number, but that is not worth underselling when you're running a small business with just a few clients, that 10% jump in revenue is so significant. Imagine, say your revenue is like $150,000 and you increase your clientele by 10%.

    [00:10:52] That's a bump of $15,000, which is a significant amount of money for a lot of us who run boutique businesses. And to have that kind of [00:11:00] transformation happen within six months is pretty incredible. Or imagine you run a consultancy and you work with three big corporate clients a year where each client is worth in the range of 50 to $75,000. Can you imagine the ROI if your web copy is so dialed in that when a prospect is referred to you, they come over to your website and binge all of your content. So when they hop on that discovery call with you, they're already pre-sold to work with you. You won't have to put in as much effort into the sales process and your sales cycle shortens. This is what the power of copywriting is. Now also had some very interesting and fun partnerships come her way. She recently had a couple of local businesses and big brands like Athleta inviting Koala Fitness to provide free workouts in their stores for their customers. And it's all because K has nailed her positioning in the [00:12:00] community. She had really strong positioning and a solid niche before she joined the copy club. But through the work we did together, she was really able to dial that in and speak about her work and the impact of her programs in a simple and compelling way that makes it easy for new clients and new opportunities to find her and choose her. I asked Kay to share a little bit about what's happening for her after being in the Joy of Copy Club and was a little surprised by what she had to say about the community and the other business owners inside the club. Here she is.

    [00:12:36] Post copy Club. Yeah, I feel a lot more confident in my writing. I feel like I can sit down and communicate something clearly if I want to. I feel like you taught me a lot of templates that I can follow, so I'm not like just staring at a blank page. Your voice is in my head all the time when I'm writing. Like, make sure, you know, I'm thinking of like the rule of one and don't write that a million times. [00:13:00] And, you know, am I rambling on and on or can I say this in half the words? So because of those like live editing sessions with you and copy club, I feel like I still have a lot of the lessons learned in my mind when I'm going ahead and writing today, and I just have a better like, kind of bird's eye view of how what want to write and what I want to say kind of fits into the bigger picture of my business. But I have said this before, I'm so, so glad I signed up to copy Club. I think that was probably the best business decision I made in 2022 for so many reasons, the writing, obviously, but just your support and encouragement and your strategy and being able to see like the behind the scenes on your business, but other people's businesses as well. I feel like I learned so much on those Tuesday mornings together.

    [00:13:55] Pretty neat. And look, I'm not taking full credit for success. [00:14:00] She showed up as often as she could to the drop in calls. She took advantage of the training and templates. She did the work and she became her best copywriter and marketer. And hey, if you connected with what Kay shared, if you want to streamline your message and stop being overwhelmed by writing all the copy in your business, the doors to the Joy of Copy Club Open next week. The doors will be open just for a few days and then they'll be closed again until the fall. So if you're thinking of joining, now is the best time because you're going to be able to access all the templates, the sales sequences, the writing prompts and the copy support. So when you promote yourself in September or planning a Black Friday Cyber Monday sale, or if you have a year end launch in the works, you'll be miles ahead in your copy, in your messaging. Your audience will be nicely warmed up and your business will be much better place and you'll be doing it [00:15:00] all inside a super supportive and super effective copy coaching community. Lastly, if you're interested in seeing what the copy club is like, maybe giving it a little test run to see if it's the kind of container that could support you in your business. I'm hosting a free copy club Open house on June 20th. It'll be a chance for you to tour around the templates and trainings and receive some live copy coaching as well. So bring some kind of copy you're working on and we can optimize it together.

    [00:15:29] Visit Khimki NHL.com Slash Openhouse to sign up and if you already know you're in and you want one of the 30 spots inside the copy club, please get in touch with me. I'll drop the link in the show notes where you can book a call or email me with any questions you have. Well, my friend, thanks for hanging out with me today and getting to know my client and friend K of Love Fitness. Please make sure you check her out on the socials and check out her website. I'll drop all the links in the show notes [00:16:00] and I'll see you again next week. Hey, would you like to hang out with me and other women business owners doing rad things in the world just like you? Then you should join the Joy of Copy Club. It's a group copy coaching experience where you receive access to all my sales templates, writing prompts and copy recipes. So you're never wondering what or how to write once a week. You can pop into my open office hours where we'll live, review and edit any kind of copy you've written. Seriously, you can bring a social post, an email or even some edits to your home page and I'll help you optimize it before you send it out into the world. The Joy of Copy Club gives you the tools and the confidence to get your message out there so you can grow your impact and your revenue. Find out more at Kim Slash Copy Club. I'll see you next week.

Resources Mentioned

Listen to episode 45: The ROI of Copywriting

Connect with Kaye at Core Love Fitness

Follow Core Love on IG

Check out the Joy of Copy Club Open House

Check out the Joy of Copy Club

Book a call to see if Copy Club is a good fit for you

Email me any questions: hello@kimkiel.com

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