43: Want to simplify and streamline your messaging? Here are 3 tips to help Gen Xers write more compelling copy


Ready to simplify and streamline your copywriting?

In this episode of ill communication, I’m sharing three tips that Gen Xers can use to write more compelling copy.

Before they work with me, my clients and Copy Club members typically struggle with writing copy that really connects with their audience because whenever they sit down to write their sales page, emails, or even their website, they get a little caught up in their own beautiful heads.

You see, we overthink, overcomplicate, and overanalyze what we should say. But you’re here so that means you’re highly intelligent. You are an expert in your field and in life, so simplifying your messaging can be tricky, but it is possible with a few simple tweaks to your strategy.

If you've been struggling to write your sales copy with simplicity and authenticity, you are not alone. It's something all business owners struggle with, particularly Gen Xers, because we have a few more hurdles that we have to deal with. These tips will help you get it done with simplicity and authenticity!

Topics We Cover in This Episode:

  • The things that get in the way of you writing compelling copy

  • Why customer voice research is so important

  • Why you need to ditch the formal writing and embrace your personality

  • How to find the time to actually write your copy

  • The ROI you get when you write good sales and nurture copy for your business

I hope you enjoyed learning more about writing your copy in an effective way that will connect more deeply with your audience. Taking these tips and putting them into practice will have a powerful return on investment.

If this is something you want to work on, I’m opening a limited number of spots for the Joy of Copy Club. If you're interested and want to see if it's a fit, visit www.kimkiel.com/copyclub, or email hello@kimkiel.com.

  • Welcome to Ill Communication, Copywriting, Tips and sales strategies for small Business. I'm your host, Kim Keel. I'm a copy coach, sales strategist and direct response copywriter. It's my mission to help women leaders and change makers amplify their voices through copy. It's why I'm dishing out all the juicy tips, writing prompts and sales formulas to help you generate more leads, book more calls, and get more high value clients on repeat. Sounds pretty good. It's time to ditch the overwhelm you might be feeling and find confidence in your copywriting so you can get your message out there and attract more soulmate clients. Let's get started. Well, hello my lovely, and welcome to the 43rd episode of the Ill Communication Podcast. Today I'm going to share a few ways to simplify and streamline your messaging and copywriting. Now, before they work with me, my clients and copy club members typically struggle with writing copy that really connects with their audience and ideal clients because whenever they sit down to write their sales page or emails or even their website, they get a little caught up in their own beautiful heads. You see, we overthink, overcomplicate and overanalyze what we should say. And here's the thing. If you're listening to this podcast, I can guess you're probably highly intelligent. Most of my clients are very smart Gen-Xers who have invested in a lot of life experience and who also have invested in a lot of personal and professional development and experience as well. So they become experts in their field, experts in life.

    And it's why it can be tricky to simplify your messaging, because we're experts and we forget that our readers, our ideal clients are not experts. They don't understand the jargon or the science behind your service or process. That's why they're coming to you for help and support in the live copy coaching calls inside the copy club, I find myself coaching a lot of women on how to simplify their messaging and write more compelling copy that connects more deeply with the right audience. And if this is something you struggle with, it could be because of any or all of these things that get in the way. Thing number one, you're not using the words your customers are saying. I often accuse my clients of using coach speak or mindset speak or even therapist speak. They use words and phrases like Empower yourself from within and or manage your mind to build resilience. But the thing is, your audience isn't lying awake in the middle of the night saying, Oh gee, if only I could empower myself from within, then all of my problems would be solved. So when I'm reviewing and coaching them on their copy, I'll ask, What are your clients saying about their problems? What are their exact words? How do they describe their problems? And if they can't answer that question, then they need to go back and do a little more research into their customer's voice. Thing number two that comes up a lot, especially for Gen Xers, is we tend to sound too formal and stiff in our copy and messaging, and it is not your fault.

    It's because we've had literal decades of formal education and corporate business communication drilled into us. We've been taught to write very formally and we've had 20 to 30 years of writing this way. So when we start our own businesses and now we have to write as a personal brand or a consultant, we get trapped in this very dull, very corporate, very boring business writing style. And even though we've fully embraced the digital revolution and we are starting online businesses, we haven't been raised in this new style of online writing. So we have a little unlearning to do. And the way you get out of that kind of boring, bland writing is honestly through practice and through writing and reviewing your copy before you send it so you can catch and then rewrite anything that sounds a little too formal or official. Now, I'm in no way suggesting you go completely to the other side and write like a valley girl. Like, Oh my God, you totally need to work with a girl boss like me. I would never write in that kind of a voice for my clients, nor would I ever recommend you write like that unless that's how you actually talk. But again, I'm guessing if you're listening to this podcast or you follow me, you don't talk like a Valley girl boss because you're probably a very smart, highly intelligent woman, as I mentioned earlier.

    The point is it takes some practice and some coaching to help you figure out how to write a little more conversationally and in a way that still sounds like you and not like Lady Catherine de Bourgh has written all your copy in a most formal and dreadfully uninteresting manner. But with some practice and some coaching, it does become easier and more natural to write conversationally and with your own beautiful personality infused into it. And the third thing that gets in the way of Gen Xers writing compelling copy and crafting a streamlined message is this. Time, finding time to sit down and do the planning and writing we need to do in our businesses. When I ask my clients what they're struggling with when it comes to writing copy, it's often just simply making themselves sit down and do it. And it's because we wear so many hats in our businesses. Just like we have many different hats in this season of life, we have a lot of roles and responsibilities and quite frankly, too many things on our plates. So it's not uncommon for things like writing an email or updating your website to continually be on your to do list and never actually get done. But when you can block time on your own or when you have a co-working session with some accountability, you'll be able to make the time. And here's the thing. If you even have just two hours a week to put your head down to write copy and you're starting with a really good template or prompt, you'd be surprised how much you can accomplish in that short amount of time.

    And I promise it will be time well spent. There is a huge ROI if you can put in just an hour or two of time into writing sales, copy or nurture copy for your business. So my sweet friend, if you've been struggling to write your sales copy with simplicity and authenticity, you are not alone. It's something all business owners struggle with, and particularly Gen Xers, because we have a few more hurdles that we have to deal with. But when you can ditch the jargon and use the words your customers are saying, when you can write in a way that sounds like you and share your personality without sounding like a stiff robot or a valley girl boss, your copy will be able to land more effectively and connect more deeply with your audience. And if you can block out even just an hour or two a week to focus on improving and writing your copy, it's going to have a powerful return on investment. Now, before I go, if this is something you want to work on, I want you to hear this. I'm going to be opening the doors to the Joy of Copy Club for a couple of weeks to welcome new members. The Joy of Copy Club is a powerful community and group copy coaching program where you get the time, the templates and the training to become your own effective sales copywriter.

    And what's a little different this time is the doors are going to close for a few months during the summer so I can focus on supporting those members who join. So if you want one of the limited spots inside copy club before the doors close, then I'll encourage you to reach out to me. You can visit khimki.com/copy club to find out more or you can shoot me an email with any questions or to let me know you're interested. I'll drop the link in the show notes so you can easily connect with me and see if the copy club is a good fit for you. Well, my friend, that's it for today's episode On how to simplify and streamline your messaging and copy. I'll catch you next week with another tip. And that's a wrap on today's episode of Ill Communication. Hey, if you're picking up what I'm putting down, I would love if you would leave a rating and a review to let me know. And don't forget to follow the show so you never miss out on the tips, prompts and strategies I share in every episode. They're designed to make you an ill communicator, too. As always, you can check out all the links and resources from this episode on the web page. Just head over to Kim keil.com/podcast. I'll chat with you again next week.

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