1: What is ill communication & how it will help grow your business


Welcome to the ill communication podcast!

I’ll be honest, when I learned that I had to dedicate this first episode to talking about myself, I got all up in my head. I don’t want to talk about myself! I don’t know what to say or if you’ll even be interested in hearing it.

If you’re an entrepreneur or a woman in business, I have no doubt you can relate to the little gremlins that pop up in our minds and make us question our worth or expertise. We second guess ourselves and procrastinate showing up and putting ourselves out there.

As I worked through this crisis of confidence to launch this podcast, I realized that this is why I’m creating this podcast in the first place! I want to give women business owners easy tools to stop second-guessing themselves, stop overthinking, and start sharing their message with the world.

I want to help you amplify your voice and your genius so you can grow your business with a little more ease and a lot more joy. With that said, in this first episode of the ill communication podcast, I am going to be getting over my own fears and finally opening up to share with you who I am and how I am going to help you level up your copywriting skills.

Topics We Cover in This Episode:

  • How I started my career in copywriting

  • How I grew my business into a multi-six-figure copywriting boutique agency

  • What copywriting formulas are

  • How copywriting formulas will change the game for your business

I hope that you’ll continue to join me for this podcast to learn simple, actionable tips and formulas so that you can increase your confidence and start putting yourself out there to find more soulmate clients.

The goal of this podcast is to make you feel empowered and confident when you sit down to write your sales copy so that you’ll be ready to get out there and change the world with your genius. In other words, you’ll become an ill communicator.

The next step is for you to subscribe and follow the podcast so you’ll never miss the juicy tips or writing prompts that will be packed into these episodes!

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Stellar Theory Collective