127: 25 No-BS Resolutions for GenX Business Owners who want more ease, success and fun in 2025


Tired of setting the same old New Year's resolutions that fizzle out by February? Ready for some refreshingly honest, achievable goals that actually align with your life and business?

I'm sharing 25 no-BS resolutions specifically crafted for GenX business owners (though trust me, they'll resonate no matter your generation). From finally raising your rates to embracing "B-minus work," these resolutions are all about finding more ease, success, and joy in 2025. 

I'll show you why spending time setting intentions is valuable, even if you don't achieve them all, and how you can use these resolutions as a compass whenever you're feeling stuck or stagnant in your business journey. Plus, I'm getting real about my own resolution struggles and sharing a powerful self-forgiveness practice that helped me move past 2024's challenges.

Topics We Cover in This Episode:

  • Why taking yourself less seriously might be the key to bigger success

  • The "BAM" method that makes any goal more achievable

  • A surprising way to break free from analysis paralysis

  • The truth about websites (and why someone's been lying to you)

  • A counterintuitive email strategy that could boost your revenue

  • A powerful self-forgiveness practice for letting go of past "failures"

Find me on social or email me with any New Year's resolutions you'd add to your list!

  • Welcome to ill communication, copywriting tips and sales strategies for small business. I'm your host, Kim Keel. I'm a copy coach, sales strategist, and direct response copywriter. It's my mission to help women leaders and changemakers amplify their voices through copy. It's why I'm dishing out all the juicy tips, writing prompts, and sales formulas to help you generate more leads, book more calls, and get more high value clients on repeat. Sounds pretty good. It's time to ditch the overwhelm you might be feeling and find confidence in your copywriting so you can get your message out there and attract more soulmate clients. Let's get started. Happy New Year! When this episode goes live, it is the first official day of 2025, so what better time to pop into your ears. Then today, with some resolutions you'll actually keep. Now, I occasionally set resolutions. Sometimes I can achieve them, sometimes I don't, but it really doesn't matter. I believe that spending any time setting intentions or goals or resolutions is time well spent. So today I want to share 25 no BS resolutions for Gen X business owners who want to find more ease, more success, and more fun in 2025. Not a Gen Xer? Keep on listening because these will probably resonate with you anyway. And no, I'm not suggesting that anyone set and keep 25 resolutions. That's way too much pressure, but maybe you'll find a couple that will speak to you, and maybe you'll save this episode and come back to it to remind yourself of these resolutions. 


    Any time you're feeling a little stagnant or sluggish with your business and life. So are you ready? Let's go! Number one, can we please all just take ourselves a little less seriously? Ditch the pressure to perform and replace it with a more playful energy. When we take ourselves less seriously than the successes we achieve are way more fun, and the challenges or losses we experience will be a little easier to shrug off. Number two, raise your rates. Seriously, the cost of living is getting out of hand, and if you haven't raised your rates in a while, let this be the year you do so. I haven't personally raised my rates in years, so I'm definitely going to be raising some of my rates to work with me in 2025. Number three stop overthinking and second guessing. Seriously, just stop it. We waste so much time and energy and money stalling on our ideas and next steps. If you can't get out of the overthinking, second guessing procrastination cycle, then find a coach or a trusted friend who can give you a little tough love or encouragement to trust your damn self and get moving. Number four make that appointment you've been putting off, whether it's for your mammogram, colonoscopy, pap test, nutritionist, or even your hairdresser. Go now and make that appointment you've been putting off. For me personally, there's an appointment I've been procrastinating, so I'm hoping by the time this airs, I've gone and made that appointment. 


    Number five, forgive yourself for what didn't work in 2024. And this is a really important one. While 2024 was a great year for some, it wasn't an awesome year for most of us. I personally had to dig really deep in December and forgive myself for what I didn't achieve and didn't do in 2024. I had to realize that I was doing the best I could with the bandwidth I had. I went back to a self-forgiveness practice. I learned from mindset and peak performance coach Hina Khan Heineken and I know a few others teach this too, but it's a statement I forgive myself for judging myself as blank for my new truth is blank. So my forgiveness statement is I forgive myself for judging myself as a failure, for my new truth is, I did the best I could during a very tough year, and I'm proud of what I did achieve despite all that. Number six embrace the Bam! The bare ass minimum. This is a concept I learned from my fitness coach K, where the bare ass minimum is the thing you do to get yourself moving. It's committing to starting to a workout for just ten minutes, or going on a five minute walk around the block, or holding a plank for 30s every day. What's the bare ass minimum you can achieve in your fitness goals? Nutrition goals? Reading goals or in your business? What's the Bam you can spend on updating your website this week? Is it 15 minutes on Thursday.


    Go and do it. Bam! It out. It doesn't have to be all or nothing. Bam moves you forward little by little. Number seven. You know, I gotta say it commit to emailing your list more often. If you don't have an email list, start building one. If you email once per month, email twice per month. If you email weekly, add in another email per week. I'll never forget a lesson. Copywriter Laura Belgrave has shared many times. She was emailing her list twice per week when she talked to her coach at the time about growing more sales from her email list. His advice was to send one more email per week and to let that be a sales email. So in general, she emails Monday and Wednesday with her regular content and storytelling, and on Friday, she sends an email that has a stronger sales message. When she implemented that, she grew her revenue. So this a resolution for you is to email your list more often than you did in 2024. Number eight outsource more tasks or hire more help in your life and your business. Outsource meal planning and shopping to a meal kit service like HelloFresh, or hire a private chef, if you can, to come in and cook weekly meals. 


    Book a housekeeping service even if it's once a quarter. Outsource bookkeeping or accounting or a marketing task. There's no shame and no judgment for being smart with your time and spending more of it on activities that will grow your business or make you feel more joyful in life. Number nine aim for B minus work. Any time you find yourself working and reworking and tweaking and perfecting, you're actually preventing your message from getting out. Done is better than perfect. B minus work is better than no work at all. So just press publish and send on that thing that's sitting in your drafts folder already. Number ten. Where the fancy thing. Don't wait for a special occasion where the bold lipstick spritz on your luxe perfume. Put on your favorite piece of jewelry where the sexy lingerie, even if it's just any old day of the week, if it brings you joy and makes you feel special, put it on. Number 11 upgrade your coffee or tea ritual. Buy the better quality bag of beans. Upgrade your tea cup. Get the bougie coffee maker you've been dreaming of. Be unapologetic about being a coffee or tea or sugar snob. Life is too short to drink crappy coffee or tea. Number 12. To quote Missy Elliot, get your freak on. I'll let you interpret that as you wish. Number 13 take mid-day breaks to make yourself a delicious, nutritious lunch. Number 14 update your damn website. 


    There is nothing more transformative for a business owner than updating your website to reflect where you and your business are now in 2025. When I help business owners write and publish new website copy, they show up differently. They put themselves out there with more confidence. Anyone who tells you you don't need a website is full of shit. Yes, it's possible to do business without one, but when you have a website you're proud of and that represents you and your expertise, you put yourself out there in a way that doesn't happen when you don't have a website. Number 15 stop outsourcing your own critical thinking skills. Or to put it differently, don't invite too many cooks into your kitchen. Too often I hear business owners saying they get conflicting advice from different coaches or influencers. And as a high fact finder on the Colby scale, I understand the need to research and learn before taking action. However, if you do it too long or too much, you end up stalling. In indecision, you get analysis paralysis. So take the information you have and ask your Higher Self for the next step. Trust your own inner wisdom. You probably already know the right path. Number 16 upgrade your bedding. Now I seriously want to do this. This year. We have such a boring drab beige duvet on our bed with old crappy pillows. I want something more exciting and beautiful, so let's upgrade our bedding together. 


    And side note I recently upgraded our sheets and I highly recommend Costco's hotel quality sheets for an affordable upgrade. Number 17 make more time for self-care and don't feel shameful or judgy about it. Go on more walks. Have more baths. Go to the gym. Go to therapy. Read, watch your self-care TV series. Paint. Whatever your form of self-care is, do it more and do it guilt free. Number 18. Unsubscribe. Unsubscribe from emails that you're no longer interested in. And unsubscribe from people and things that are no longer serving you. Say no more often. Say no to bad clients and kids who are pushing the boundaries. Say no to parents who are asking too much of you. Unsubscribe from events you don't want to go to or conversations you don't want to have. You don't actually have to say no. Sometimes you can just leave a room or find an excuse to get off the call, but unsubscribe from things that aren't serving you if you can. Number 19 read more physical books or magazines. And sure, it could be on your Kindle or an audiobook, but read something that's not on your tiny phone. Read more poetry, read more fiction. Read more hello magazine, or people magazine or National Geographic magazine, whatever you find delightful and feeds your soul. Read more of that. Number 20 learn a new skill or hobby. I'm in the process of learning how to play pickleball.


    I'm really not that good, but I'm trying to get better. So take an art class. Take juggling. Take a new fitness program. Do pottery. Study a language. Keep your brain engaged in something that isn't business or like hard, heavy life stuff. Number 21 stop shooting on that project or thing that's been on your heart to do. Let 2025 be the year you stop thinking you should launch a podcast, or should hire help, or should set up that 50 K funnel and actually do the damn thing. Number 22 celebrate your wins. More. This is something I really struggle with, so look for and celebrate your wins, even tiny ones. Get a big sheet of paper or even a journal and write your wins whenever they happen. Give yourself a gold star. Buy a candle or a flower bouquet to celebrate. Have a kitchen dance party and remind yourself that you're a badass. Number 23 follow the fuck up. Jim Rohn is quoted with the saying, the fortune is in the follow up and it's 100% true. The majority of my business comes from following up on leads and past clients and referral partners. Just this week, I finally booked a website project for someone who has been saying she wants to work with me to write her website for over a year. I kept following up and touching base and when she finally committed, she said, thank you for following up and sticking with me. 


    Number 24 stop comparing yourself to others. Whew! This is a tough one for me. I get super jealous and super triggered when I see others doing something I haven't done yet, or having the success I crave. The reality is, we don't know what that person had to do to achieve that success. Heck, we don't even know if it is true what they're posting or sharing. Instead, people wiser and more evolved than me have said to pay attention to the things that trigger you or make you jealous, for those are the things you also want for yourself. So instead of being jealous, let it be more inspirational. Because if it's possible for them, it's possible for you. Again, this is something I need to work on almost daily. And number 25, the 25th resolution for 2025 is to find more joy, be more playful, have more fun, have more kitchen dance parties to 90s hip hop. It feels like the years are just flowing past. Like water through my fingers. I know too well how short life is and life is only getting shorter. So prioritize joy and fun. Even in the rough and shitty things we have to deal with in life and business. Ask yourself, how could I make this more fun? How could this be a more joyful experience? What can I do for myself or my family to experience a little more joy, even when things are rough, and then go and do it and be frickin unapologetic about it. 


    So those are my 25 no BS resolutions to create more ease, success, and fun in 2025. My friend, what would you add to the list? Please find me on social media or shoot me an email to share what's on your 2025 resolution list and May 2025 be your very best, most successful and most joyful year yet in business. I'm so happy to be on the ride with you. Hey, would you like to hang out with me and other women business owners doing rad things in the world just like you? Then you should join the Joy of Copy Club. It's a group copy coaching experience where you receive access to all my sales templates, writing prompts, and copy recipes so you're never wondering what or how to write once a week. You can pop into my open office hours, where we'll live, review and edit any kind of copy you've written. Seriously, you can bring a social post and email or even some edits to your home page, and I'll help you optimize it before you send it out into the world. The Joy of Copy Club gives you the tools and the confidence to get your message out there so you can grow your impact and your revenue. Find out more at Kim Dotcom slash Copy Club. I'll see you next week. 

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