99: 3 tips to make business and life easier over the summer


Hoping to take it easy in your life and business this summer? You’re going to love this episode!

I recently hosted my Summer of Ease workshop where I shared a few strategies for effortlessly remixing content over the summer, setting up a sales-focused autoresponder for your email, and other tips to enjoy an easy, breezy, fun-filled summer.

To give you a sneak peek into some of the content, I'm sharing three things I'm doing this year to make my business and life easier over the summer.

I’m hoping that maybe you can take one of these ideas and do it for yourself, or that something I share will spark a new idea for you and help you create some space in your business or life too!

Topics We Cover in This Episode:

  • The quick and clever Content Remix strategy you can use to simplify your content creation process this summer

  • The one simple thing I’m doing with my signature offer to take it into “light mode” for a few months

  • My simple and effective plans for making my household run more smoothly this summer

Those are just a few of the ways I'm creating more ease and hopefully more fun in my life and business this summer! I hope you're inspired by an idea or a takeaway you can implement in your life and business this summer too.

Check out the Summer Version of the Joy of Copy Club: www.kimkiel.com/summerjoy

  • [00:00:03] Welcome to ill communication, copywriting tips and sales strategies for small business. I'm your host, Kim Kiel. I'm a copy coach, sales strategist, and direct response copywriter. It's my mission to help women leaders and change makers amplify their voices through copy. It's why I'm dishing out all the juicy tips, writing prompts, and sales formulas to help you generate more leads, book more calls, and get more high value clients on repeat. Sounds pretty good. It's time to ditch the overwhelm you might be feeling and find confidence in your copywriting so you can get your message out there and attract more soulmate clients. Let's get started. Hey, there we are back for the Wayne Gretzky episode of Ill Communication. If you don't get the reference, you're probably not a Canadian or a hockey fan. Wayne Gretzky's jersey number is 99. He was an Edmonton Oiler, which is the city that I live in. And this is the 99th episode of my podcast. And at the time of recording this episode, it's nearly mid-June and I'm thinking about the summer. By the time this airs, I'll have already hosted my Summer of ease workshop, where I shared a few strategies for effortlessly remixing content over the summer, setting up a sales focused autoresponder for your email and other tips to enjoy an easy, breezy, fun filled summer to give you a sneak peak into some of the content, I'm sharing three things I'm doing this year to make my business and life easier over the summer.

    [00:01:46] Maybe you can swipe an idea and do it for yourself. Or maybe something I share will spark a new idea for you and help you create some space in your business or your life. So the first thing I'm doing is around my content strategy for this podcast. During my Summer of ease workshop, I shared my Content Remix strategy, which was filled with brilliant ideas for leveraging existing content as in the content you've already created, and sharing it again, but maybe with a little twist or a bit of a refresh. And I'm taking my own advice over the summer on this podcast, I'm going to re-air a couple of episodes as a replay or rebroadcast. Now that I'm 100 episodes and two years into this podcast, there is quite a rich catalog of content I can pull from, and it's doubtful that the majority of you have heard all 100 episodes, or that you even remember any of those older episodes I'm going to handpick and replay episodes I believe have an important message you need to hear again, or that proved really popular the first time around, and I'll re-air it as a greatest hits episode. It's great content, and even if you heard it the first time around, you'll get great reminders, or you'll hear something new and get a new takeaway or lesson for your business. Today.

    [00:03:13] And like last summer, I'm going to share a couple of episodes I recorded as a guest on other podcasts. I'm selecting some incredible podcasters and episodes I know you'll enjoy, so stay tuned for that. Now, how could you repurpose your older content and reshare it this summer? Do you have an old blog post you could reshare or send to your email list? Can you take an email you wrote last year and turn it into a blog post or a podcast episode, or vice versa? Did you create any trainings for your audience, or were you a guest expert in someone else's community that you could get permission to reshare? Or heck, grab your script, open up a loom, and record a fresh tutorial or training from your audience using that already written script. Chances are, you have a ton of content you could pull out of the archive, dust off, and share with your current audience. And please don't worry about repeating your content. Hollywood Broadway top 40 radio stations are constantly replaying and rebroadcasting the same shows or episodes or songs over and over and over again. Because if people loved it the first time, they'll probably love it the second, third, or even fourth time they hear it. If you need a little inspo, think about how much we love those flashback episodes on Friends or Seinfeld, where in a single episode you get little snippets of the scenes you love.

    [00:04:43] You could totally do something similar with the kitchen sink email, which I featured back in episode 37. I'll link to it in the show notes so you can write and send a kitchen sink email or a blog post and send it over the summer. And I hope you see how I just repurposed my existing content for you right now. Okay, the next thing I'm doing in my business to create a little more ease is I'm actually scaling back my signature offer. The Joy of Copy Club is going into a light summer mode. Instead of hosting weekly live copy coaching calls, we're meeting every two weeks instead of monthly live master classes, I'm going to link to an existing training in the Joy of Copy Vault so members can watch and boost their skills on their own time and schedule, and watch it at 1.5 speed if they want. And I'm offering this scaled back version of the Joy of Copy Club for three months instead of six months, so it's only available for July, August, and September. It's designed to help those of us who need a little accountability and consistency over the summer. We maybe don't want to let summer completely derail your momentum, but you don't want to sign up for a whole big new program either. It also means the investment to join the Joy of Copy Club is scaled back significantly. I'm welcoming new members into the Copy Club for just $350 per month, or a single pay of 1050.

    [00:06:13] Honestly, it's such a great deal. And if you're interested, you should totally snap it up. Now, here's a little behind the scenes into my decision making. I personally am craving a little more space on my calendar for the summer. I want more time to enjoy the fleeting summer months with my kids. I want to play and have fun, and I want more focused time to develop some new offers in my business. It typically during the summer, copy club members also go on holidays, and attendance at the weekly calls can be kind of low. So by having calls two times per month, there might be more people attending the calls. But even if members can't attend live, they can pre-submit their copy and I can review it. Even if they can't attend the call, they'll get access to all the replays and transcripts. So it's still a fabulous level of support, but it's a risk. It means I'll potentially have less revenue over the summer, but my hypothesis is maybe a few more people will join because it's less commitment, less investment, and yet still a really fabulous level of copywriting, support and coaching and a way to help you keep your momentum up over the summer. So if you've been thinking about joining the Joy of Copy Club this summer, mode version could be a great way for you to get a taste of what it is at a super accessible investment with a shorter time commitment.

    [00:07:38] I'll drop the link into the show notes for you to check out all the details about this scaled back Joy of Copy Club. If you have questions or you want to join, I'd love to hear from you. Shoot me an email at Hello at Kim Kylie.com, DM me on Instagram or LinkedIn, or find me on voxer and leave me a voice note. I am super happy to chat it out with you and if I don't think it's a great fit for you, I'll 100% tell you. Doors to this exclusive summer season of Joy of Copy Club closed June 27th, so take a minute to check it out, see if it's for you. Hop on a call with me. If you want, I can tour you around the copy vault. If it's a good fit, you can snag this killer deal to get access to all my templates, trainings, and live coaching for a fraction of the normal cost. Now let me turn the tables on you and ask, is there a program or offer in your business you can temporarily scale back over the summer? Can you take on one less client to create a little more mental and emotional space for yourself without causing too much financial stress? Or could you switch your client schedule so you only do client work on certain days and give yourself a free day in lieu? And maybe those client days are super intense, but it might be worth it to have an additional day or two per week for a couple of months.

    [00:08:55] Think about different ways you could modify what you're already doing to create space in your calendar. And if you need a thought partner to hash that out, feel free to DM me on social or send me a voice note on voxer. The last thing I'm doing to create more ease in the upcoming summer has nothing to do with business, and everything to do with my household. If you're a parent, I'm sure you can relate to what I'm about to share. There are two things my kids say all the time during the summer that drives me absolutely nuts. It is. There's nothing for me to do. And what is there to eat? I mean, seriously, there's an entire world out there to explore and a fridge full of food for you to eat. But since I know they're going to ask those questions all day, every day, I'm going to try to pre-prepare. This summer, I'm planning to stock my fridge and freezer with all the quick grab and go snacks they love, and claim that I never buy them like taquitos, Chinese barbecue pork buns, maybe even Vietnamese spring rolls. I'm going to stock up on all the ice cream and fruity freezer treats.

    [00:10:03] I'll make sure we have pepperoni sticks, cut up veggies, and easy to grab fruit, maybe even overnight oats or healthy muffins and scones. Like, I'm going to stock my pantry like I've never stocked it before. It's going to mean I'll have to do a little prep and organizing each week to keep things stocked and ready to go. But actually, now that I'm thinking about this, I'm going to get my kids to do some of this too. Think I'm also going to create a basket of fun. I'll get them summer student passes to the recreation centers, some bus tickets, maybe some passes to other fun city activities like pitch and putt or the driving range, maybe even a couple of movie passes. We can also sit down together and write out a list of ideas so that any time they're bored, they can look at that list and sort themselves out. Now, maybe this is just news to me. Maybe you've already naturally and normally done this with. Were for your kids. But in past summers, I've never really put much thought or planning into the summer schedule, aside from booking the odd summer camp for my younger kid. And then I keep hearing I'm bored. I'm hungry all summer long. So if you have any other strategies or tips for helping your kids find stuff to do or to eat, I'm all ears.

    [00:11:18] Please share your best tips with me. So my friend, those are just a few of the ways I'm creating more ease and hopefully more fun in my life and business this summer. I hope you're inspired by an idea or a takeaway you can implement in your life and business this summer too. And next week I have a very special 100th episode planned, so please make a note to come back here next week to enjoy and celebrate this pretty incredible milestone with me. I'll see you then. Hey, would you like to hang out with me and other women business owners doing rad things in the world, just like you? Then you should join the Joy of Copy Club. It's a group copy coaching experience where you receive access to all my sales templates, writing prompts, and copy recipes so you're never wondering what or how to write. Once a week, you can pop into my open office hours, where we'll live, review and edit any kind of copy you've written. Seriously, you can bring a social post and email or even some edits to your home page, and I'll help you optimize it before you send it out into the world. The Joy of Copy Club gives you the tools and the confidence to get your message out there so you can grow your impact and your revenue. Find out more at Kim Dotcom Slash Copy Club. I'll see you next week.

Resources Mentioned

Listen to episode 37: How to use the kitchen sink email to provide a value bomb

Find out more about the Summer Version of the Joy of Copy Club:

Email me at hello@kimkiel.com

DM me on social

Or send me a voice note on Voxer

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