124: 9 simple, stress-free ways entrepreneurs can remix content over the holidays (or any day!)


Feeling overwhelmed by the pressure to create fresh content during the holiday season? What if I told you there's a stress-free way to keep your audience engaged without burning yourself out?

In this episode, I'm revealing 9 game-changing strategies for remixing and repurposing your existing content that will save you time, energy, and sanity. From creating "greatest hits" collections to resharing past podcast episodes and exploring creative ways to repackage your best work, I'll walk you through practical techniques that can help you stay visible and valuable to your audience—even when you want to take a well-deserved break. 

Whether you're an entrepreneur, content creator, or business owner looking to maintain momentum without constant content creation, this episode is your ultimate guide to working smarter, not harder.

Topics We Cover in This Episode:

  • The secret Hollywood-inspired technique for recycling content without feeling repetitive

  • How to transform a single piece of content into multiple formats

  • Sneaky ways to leverage past presentations and guest appearances

  • The truth about audience attention spans and content repetition

  • Strategies for growing your audience while taking a break

  • Creative approaches to sharing personal moments that actually boost engagement

  • A bonus framework for setting strategic content goals during slower seasons

  • The art of "re-gifting" your best content without feeling like you're cheating

Ready to make content creation a breeze this holiday season? Get the Content Remix Strategy - Holiday Edition download at www.kimkiel.com/remix and unlock your ultimate guide to stress-free content that keeps your audience engaged. 

  • [00:00:03] 

    Welcome to ill communication, copywriting tips and sales strategies for small business. I'm your host, Kim Keel. I'm a copy coach, sales strategist, and direct response copywriter. It's my mission to help women leaders and changemakers amplify their voices through copy. It's why I'm dishing out all the juicy tips, writing prompts, and sales formulas to help you generate more leads, book more calls, and get more high value clients on repeat. Sounds pretty good. It's time to ditch the overwhelm you might be feeling and find confidence in your copywriting so you can get your message out there and attract more soulmate clients. Let's get started. Hey there and welcome back to the Ill Communication Podcast. When this episode airs, we will be firmly in the countdown to 2025. And honestly, this year has gone by in the blink of an eye. There are still a few weeks left before the holiday season, and maybe you're like me and you have a tendency to leave the shopping and meal planning to the last minute. Maybe you do the same thing in your business, and you're looking at your December and January calendar wondering what the heck to write or create or share with your audience, and getting a little bit stressed because you know, you also want to have time to take off for that last minute holiday prep, or simply to enjoy some well-deserved time off during the school winter break. My friend, if you're looking for a little more ease and less stress as we sprint into the new Year. 


    This episode is for you. Today I'm sharing nine simple and stress free ways you can remix your existing content and reshare it in the coming weeks or even months, because wouldn't it be amazing to head into 2025 with several weeks of content already planned or even written, recorded and scheduled? Yes, yes it would. The trade off, of course, is you will likely need to spend a half day or a weekend to batch, write, record or schedule your content. But we're going to keep it easy, breezy and fun by remixing older existing content rather than creating a bunch of new content from scratch. I also have a handy cheat sheet with these tips and strategies, plus live examples for you at Kim Dotcom slash remix. So if you don't want to take notes, head over to Kim Dotcom Slash Remix to download the PDF cheat sheet. All right, strategy number one create a greatest hits email, blog post or mini series. Now, if you've been following me long enough or you've been at any of my workshops. You know, I love a good kitchen sink email. And the kitchen sink email is an email where you share about three of your best performing resources. These could be your best performing blog post, or a guest podcast episode, or a reel, or a YouTube video. Listen to episode 37 if you want help with writing a kitchen sink email, but it's just simply a way of pulling some greatest hits out of your archive and resending it. 


    Now, the way you can remix this is by sending your greatest hits as a mini series. So first you'd want to choose a theme like sales emails or meal plans for the busy holidays, or somatic practices for stress management or seasonal tips for teachers. Schedule a series of emails or posts where you share one resource in each email, and suddenly that one kitchen sink email becomes 3 or 4 emails in a series. For a real life example, I re-aired some of my top podcast episodes as a way to celebrate 100 episodes during my Greatest Hits Summer replay sesh. I remixed four podcast episodes over the summer where I just simply reshared old podcast episodes. Strategy number two remix old content but reshare it in a new format. So did you write an email everyone loved within the last year? Record your email as a podcast or a YouTube video, or turn it into a carousel post for social media. Conversely, did you get lots of shares or saves on a social post? Remix that content into an email or a LinkedIn post and share it in text rather than video, or vice versa? Dig into your catalog of guest expert trainings or speeches. Reshare that content in new ways. Either record a fresh mini training using loom, or, if you have permission from the original host, share the original recording and content.


    Now Iman Ishmael, who is a wonderful email marketer, shared the audio of a webinar training she originally created for another workshop host. She shared it on her podcast and as another example, my podcast episode number 98 about naming your products, offers and services was originally a guest expert training I delivered for another coaches community about four years ago. All I did was I whipped up a quick script, recorded an episode, and repurposed the workbook into a new lead magnet. And this podcast episode was a resource I created for a workshop I delivered in June. All I've done is I've simply updated the content remix strategy for the holidays, and I'm sharing it with you now in podcast format. Strategy number three create a YouTube or Spotify playlist of past content and share it. Now, this is very similar to strategy number one, where you might create a mini series or a kitchen sink email or a greatest hits playlist on a particular theme, but this works really great for podcasting or YouTube videos. So handpick or curate a selection of your best content and just package it into a podcast playlist on Spotify or in YouTube. Or you could even do it on your website. So, for example, my Black Friday Cyber Monday Survival Guide, which was episode number 67, is actually a playlist of hand-picked past episodes. 


    I also have a Spotify playlist of podcasts featuring me as a guest expert so I can share that at some point. And I've even seen some of the bigger name content creators do the very same thing. So, for example, I got an email from Laila Hormozi of Acquisition Comm. She mentioned in the email that they're putting together a business scaling playlist. Then she gives you the link where you can watch the playlist there. So she's not creating any new content other than the email saying, hey, I've just put all these YouTube videos together for you in one handy playlist, so definitely do that. Strategy number four just freaking reshare great content even in the original format, and do not overthink it. Here's the thing. Launch and sales copywriters do this all the time. We reuse the same emails over several launches. Often those emails are going to fresh audiences, but not always. It's okay to send a great email. If something performs great, Share it again. Create a fresh post but use exactly the same content. If it's good. We will love to see it again, and we'll probably share it with our networks because we know how juicy that content is. Now there are a couple of creators I follow on LinkedIn who do this brilliantly. They share the exact same post several months in a row, or once a year in the handy cheat sheet that you can download. I link to those exact posts and show you real, live examples of how they just simply reshare the exact same post over and over again. 


    Strategy five go back to basics with beginner and bite sized content. Often US experts forget how far along the journey we are, and what seems second nature to us is often mind blowing aha's to others over the holidays or really any season. Share bite sized tutorials or tips you can whip off in just a few minutes. Record a quickie on Voxer and send the link in an email. Record a loom, video or reel with an over the shoulder demo of a tip batch a bunch of these quickies. There's no need to spend oodles of time creating something new, because your audience will love the short form content and the quick tips. So think of ten minute tutorials, a one minute masterclass, or a techie tip. And one of my good friends and fellow business owners, Emily Regan, often does this on her Instagram feed. She shares quick, helpful tips in her techie tips, and if you grab that cheat sheet, you'll get a direct link to how she does that. Strategy number six reshare past podcast guest episodes or guest blog posts places that have featured you as an expert. This doesn't have to be part of a mini series or a theme, just simply reshare these guesting sessions and shout out the host Your host will love that you are resharing your episode again and again, and they will probably be more likely to invite you back or refer you to other hosts because you are helping them amplify their brand by amplifying your particular episode. 


    Strategy number seven plan ahead. Book podcast guest spots ahead of time that will air during the holidays or during a planned break. Preload your calendar with podcast guesting spots a few weeks before you plan to go on a holiday, because there's a good chance they'll air several weeks later. Book guest podcast episodes in the spring to air during the summer and in the fall to air during the winter break. This creates instant, fresh content for you to share with your audience during times when you may be too busy to create fresh content. As a real life example, I joined an audio summit and recorded content in May that was then promoted in July. And even though I wasn't actively working or launching anything, my list and audience grew over the summer thanks to this planned Pre-prepped promotion strategy. Eight. Leverage other audiences to grow your list or to expand your authority. Even if you're quote unquote not working, here's the thing nobody wants to create content during the holidays, so could you reach out to other coaches or collaborators, natural partners who have your same audience and offer to provide a guest blog, an email takeover, or an expert training in their community that will run during your planned break? And you just repurpose some of your existing content for those guest spots for their emails that they're sharing to their list.


    You could easily just repurpose an existing email that you've sent to yours. It is a win win. For example, I participated in an email bundle. I used an existing free gift offer for this bundle. It was promoted in August and even though I wasn't working in the summer, my list grew thanks to the host's audience and network and strategy. Number nine share something delightful. What's bringing you joy and what's saving you right now? You don't always have to deliver value or content. Share something fun and personal, and often these will be some of your best performing content. Think of sharing your favorite holiday movies or a link to your favorite holiday playlist. Or maybe you want to share a favorite cocktail or a seasonal recipe. It doesn't have to be tied to a business lesson or a lesson about your coaching. It's simply sharing something you love with your audience, and they in turn, will love the peek into your personality and life. And often they'll reply with their own favorite recipe book or song. For some real life examples, I have often shared my minted mule recipe by email, and I reshared a couple times during the summer. So if you want to see these live examples, please grab the cheat sheet at Kim Dotcom Slash Remix or you'll find the link to grab that in the show notes. 


    Of course, here's a bonus tip think about what your goal is for your seasonal content. If you're not actively selling or promoting anything too complicated over the holidays, what do you want your content to accomplish for you? Do you just want to nurture, entertain, and deliver enjoyment to your list? Do you want to grow your email list? If so, then include calls to action to sign up for freebies or to subscribe to your email list. Do you want to sell a low ticket, passive hands off offer? Then include calls to action to your product shop or your tiny offer Offers sales page. Do you want to book calls for the new year? Then include calls to action to get on your calendar in January. And if you're selling an offer in Q1 or Q2, then you should be creating pre-launch content over the next few weeks to lead into that. So there you have the nine stress free ways to remix and reshare existing content with your audience. And I want you to hear this. Do not worry about repeating your content. Hollywood, Broadway, and top 40 radio stations are constantly replaying and rebroadcasting the same shows, episodes, or songs over and over and over again. If people loved it the first time, they will love it the second, third, or even fourth time they see it or hear it. 


    Just think about how much we love those flashback episodes on friends where in a single episode you get little snippets of past scenes you loved. And by the way, people aren't paying as close attention to us as we think they are. Our attention spans and our memories are short. There's a pretty good chance we didn't even see the email or content when you originally shared it. So don't shy away or overthink. Remixing, repurposing, and resharing your content. Think of it as a way of regifting your best content. If it was great the first time, your audience will love that you shared it again. Remixing your content is a little gift to yourself as well, because you're not spending more time creating anything new. You're just taking something you've already created and wrapping it up in a fresh new package. You'll save time, energy, and money once again. The Content Remix Strategy Cheat Sheet has links to lots of live examples, so you can see what many of these strategies look like in real life. Plus, it might inspire you to create some new ideas. So go ahead and grab them at khimki.com/remix. As always, the link is in the show notes. Thank you so much for joining me today. I'll be back here next week with a fun and helpful episode for you as you head into the holidays. Bye for now! Hey my sweet friend, I want to thank you for joining me today. 


    I just love creating and sharing content to make your business, and especially writing for your business, a little bit easier, so I'd love to know what your biggest copywriting or marketing questions are. What have you been struggling with? Or do you want to pick my brain about a copywriting strategy or a tactic? I'm starting a new Ask Me Anything segment here on the pod. If you have a burning question about business, copywriting or marketing, or if you want to make an episode suggestion, I'm all ears. You can participate in two ways. Number one visit speakpipe.com/kim Keel. There you'll be able to record a voice note with your question or suggestion. Make sure you include your name and your email and maybe a little background info for context. Number two, you can send me a text in the show notes of this episode. You'll see a link to text me a question or comment. When you click that link, it'll open up your text messenger where you can text me your question directly. Make sure you leave all the weird numbers that pop up, and please add your name and email address or mobile number so I can keep in touch. I can't wait to create these. Ask me anything or pick my brain episodes, so please play along. I can't wait to help you solve whatever's blocking you from getting your message out there. Find the links to ask me your questions in the show notes

Resources Mentioned:

Get the Content Remix Strategy - Holiday Edition download

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