66: Finding joy when things are heavy


The world is very heavy right now.

There is huge unrest and tremendous loss of life in Israel and Palestine, and I'm horrified by the lack of humanity on both sides.

And whenever I'm faced with awful news, whether it's in my own personal life or in the lives of humans on the other side of the world. I seem to find a lot of joy in just the tiniest things.

So in this episode of ill communication, I wanted to share another episode about what's bringing me joy these days. I hope it might spark something new for you, or help you tune in to even the tiniest thing that could bring you a bit of joy, love, and peace when the world is feeling anything but.

Topics We Cover in This Episode:

  • The little things that have been bringing me joy lately

  • What I think about whenever I’m feeling small or insignificant

  • The baking recipe that is guaranteed to bring you and your family some joy

If you're feeling heavy or heartbroken as I am with the world today, you are not alone. I hope this episode today makes you think of things that might bring you joy, or gives you an idea of something that might spark a little more joy for you, especially if things are feeling a little dark. Make sure to check out the links below to the things that bring me joy.

Thank you so much for being with me here. Knowing you're listening on the other end of my microphone creates more joy for me than you know. Reach out and share what's bringing you joy or peace these days!

  • [00:00:03] Welcome to ill communication, copywriting tips and sales strategies for small business. I'm your host, Kim Keel. I'm a copy coach, sales strategist, and direct response copywriter. It's my mission to help women leaders and change makers amplify their voices through copy. It's why I'm dishing out all the juicy tips, writing prompts, and sales formulas to help you generate more leads, book more calls, and get more high value clients on repeat. Sounds pretty good. It's time to ditch the overwhelm you might be feeling and find confidence in your copywriting so you can get your message out there and attract more soulmate clients. Let's get started. My sweet friend. The world is heavy right now. At the time of recording episode 66, [00:01:00] there is huge unrest and tremendous loss of life in Israel and Palestine, and I'm horrified by the lack of humanity on both sides. And whenever I'm faced with awful news, whether it's in my own personal life or in the lives of humans on the other side of the world. I seem to find a lot of joy in just the tiniest things. It's like all the bad helps to heighten my awareness of things that bring me joy or make me smile. So today I wanted to share another episode about what's bringing me joy these days. I hope it might spark something new for you, or help you tune in to even the tiniest thing that could bring you a bit of joy and love and peace when the world is feeling anything but.

    [00:01:46] So the first thing that's bringing me joy is super random fresh pears. I know it's silly, but I bought some pears the other day at the store and they were perfect. They were the right balance of sweet [00:02:00] and tart. They had the perfect pear texture. They weren't mealy at all. And I've been telling my family, eat the pears. Eat the pears. They're delicious right now, but nobody is. And I'm kind of okay with that, because I'll keep these juicy and delicious pears to my own damn self, thank you very much, because they are bringing me just a tiny amount of beautiful joy right now. Thing number two that's helping lift my spirits is my new aromatherapy diffuser. Now, I've wanted an aromatherapy diffuser for my office in my home for a couple of years. And finally, at my birthday this year, I was gifted a beautiful diffuser from my favorite aromatherapy brand, Sage Natural Wellness. It's a lovely, simple, modern design and it came with a collection of six fragrances. If I'm feeling a little low energy, I put the elevate fragrance into the diffuser. If I'm feeling a little scattered, [00:03:00] I use Present Moment and when I need to ground into my soul, the goddess fragrance helps to connect me to myself. This diffuser is so lovely and bringing me so much joy in fragrance form. I'll drop a link in the show notes if you're interested.

    [00:03:17] It's not an affiliate link. I'm not a partner, I'm just a superfan. Now. Right now, perhaps more than ever before, I'm really appreciating and finding joy with parenting my two boys who are aged 12 and 16. If you're a parent, you may have heard that the teenage years are the worst. Well, I'll tell you that that is not my experience, especially after the brutal Covid years that kind of paused everyone's life and shut down social circles for my kids. I am watching them emerge and evolve more this year than any time in the recent past. I am loving watching these two boys grow into incredible, [00:04:00] kind humans. We're crossing into fun new territory with one kid on the junior volleyball team, and the other beginning to talk about university, and when I get a spontaneous hug from either one of them, it's a burst of sunshine on any dark day. The next thing that's bringing me joy is something that I'm calling my makeup era. I've decided that now that it's my 40th turn around the sun, I'm entering my makeup era. You see, when I was a kid in the 80s, I had a caboodle filled with lip smacker and blue eyeshadow. And as I'm approaching my 50s, I seem to be reliving my youth through makeup. Now, to be fair, I've always been someone who puts on foundation, blush, eyeliner, and mascara, but I've always gone for a fairly neutral, natural look.

    [00:04:49] However, lately I have been really enjoying playing around with eye shadows and watching reels about how to do makeup if you're over 40. I just feel [00:05:00] more put together with makeup, and I'm having fun playing around with fun color combos for my eyes. I generally get makeup from Bobbi Brown, Mac and Saint, and if you have any fave makeup tips or anyone I should be following for makeup for women over 40, please share. Tag me on social. I would love to follow more people. Now another thing bringing me joy is the clients I work with. And honestly, I work with some bad ass industry leaders. My clients create real change in their clients lives. One of my recent website clients, American Franchise Academy, helps franchisees generate more profit and work less in their franchise business. You see people invest in franchises thinking they're going to be a golden ticket to success, but they're not given the business skills to run a profitable business or manage staff. So the American Franchise [00:06:00] Academy is really changing business owners lives. I have a website and voice guide client named Sigrin who is a no BS, tough love business coach who is accelerating gender equality through female entrepreneurship. She has a goal to empower 100,000 women to start online businesses so they can create financial independence and freedom in their lives. Super inspiring. And I recently wrote web copy and some e-commerce emails for a super fun new clothing business called Cord Crew.

    [00:06:36] Their mission is to help young families get dressed and out the door faster, so they can make more fun memories together. Whenever I think my life and my work is small or insignificant, I think about the clients I work with and how the work I do helps them amplify not only their message, but their mission in the world. And I feel tremendously [00:07:00] grateful to work with such incredible women leaders in online business. And I'll leave you with a final thing that's bringing me joy. It's baking. Now, as you know, I love a good recipe, whether it's for copy or for cooking. And over the last few weeks, I've found myself back in the kitchen again. I recently tried an amazing recipe for sunshine Muffins, created by Jillian Harris and Tori Weser from their Fresh Food Full Hearts Cookbook. These sunshine muffins have cups and cups of grated veggies and fruits and sides beets, zucchini, carrots, apples, plus healthy nuts and seeds. This recipe made three dozen muffins, and my 12 year old declared that they were scrumptious. It makes me feel like I'm a good mom when I can whip up a batch of muffins that's super nutritious as well as delicious, so I'll drop the link to the recipe in the show notes, and I highly recommend you try it. Well, my sweet friend, if you're feeling heavy [00:08:00] or heartbroken as I am with the world today, you are not alone.

    [00:08:05] I hope this episode today makes you think of things that might bring you joy, or gives you an idea of something that might spark a little more joy for you, especially if things are feeling a little dark. My heart breaks for the innocent families who are destroyed by terrorism, violence, and hatred, and my hope is that those of us who have the means may be able to show up and serve our communities a little more, shine a little brighter, and do whatever we can to create a little healing for humanity. That's my own personal goal anyway. Thank you so much for being with me here. Knowing you're listening on the other end of my microphone creates more joy for me than you know. I'll see you back here next week. And that's a wrap on today's episode of [00:09:00] Ill Communication. Hey, if you're picking up what I'm putting down, I would love if you would leave a rating and a review to let me know. And don't forget to follow the show so you never miss out on the tips, prompts, and strategies I share in every episode. They're designed to make you an ill communicator too. As always, you can check out all the links and resources from this episode on the web page. Just head over to Kim keel.com/podcast. I'll chat with you again next week.

Resources Mentioned

My Fave Things:

Saje Natural Wellness Aromatherapy Diffuser

Saje Natural Wellness Diffuser Blend Collection

American Franchise Academy

Sigrun new website coming soon! Follow Sigrun on Instagram or LinkedIn


Fraiche Food Sunshine Muffins

Fraiche Food Cookbook

Additional Resources

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67: The Business Owner’s Black Friday Cyber Monday Survival Guide


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