67: The Business Owner’s Black Friday Cyber Monday Survival Guide


At the time of this episode going live, we are just 2 weeks out from the most lucrative time of the year for many online businesses!

Yes, you guessed it- Black Friday, Small Business Saturday, Cyber Monday, and Giving Tuesday.

In this episode of ill communication, I'm sharing the business owner's Black Friday, Cyber Monday Audio Survival Guide to help you make the most of this upcoming event, whether you're planning a flash sale or not!

Whether you’re already ready for this time of year or not, the resources I'm going to share with you today will help optimize those sales, so make sure you listen to the full episode before you finalize your copy and load it into your system.

Topics We Cover in This Episode:

  • Why these tips in this episode can benefit you no matter what your plans are for this time of year

  • How you can access the Survival Guide

  • How you can use the episodes in this guide to set yourself up for success

I promise you, listening through this Survival Guide is time well spent, especially if you want to nail your marketing this holiday season.

Make sure to binge all of the episodes in the player below. If you need support writing your sales copy, you know where to find me!

  • [00:00:03] Welcome to ill communication, copywriting tips and sales strategies for small business. I'm your host, Kim Keel. I'm a copy coach, sales strategist, and direct response copywriter. It's my mission to help women leaders and change makers amplify their voices through copy. It's why I'm dishing out all the juicy tips, writing prompts, and sales formulas to help you generate more leads, book more calls, and get more high value clients on repeat. Sounds pretty good. It's time to ditch the overwhelm you might be feeling and find confidence in your copywriting so you can get your message out there and attract more soulmate clients. Let's get started. Hello, hello and welcome back to the Ill Communication Podcast. This is episode 67 and when it officially [00:01:00] goes live, there will be just two weeks until we hit the most lucrative time of the year for many online businesses. Yep, you got it. I'm talking about Black Friday, Small Business Saturday, Cyber Monday and Giving Tuesday, which this year falls on November 24th through the 28th. So in this episode, I'm sharing the business owners Black Friday Cyber Monday Audio Survival Guide to help you make the most of this upcoming event, whether you're planning a flash sale or not. So keep listening, because what I'm going to share with you will help every business owner or marketer. Now, maybe you fall into one of three camps. The first camp is you've already got your Black Friday Cyber Monday sale fully mapped out.

    [00:01:55] Your sales page, ads and emails are written or mostly [00:02:00] written. You have a plan and you're almost ready to go. The resources I'm going to share with you today will help optimize those sales, so make sure you listen to the full episode before you finalize your copy and load it into your system. The second camp are for the people who are thinking, well, maybe I might run a flash sale over that weekend, but maybe you don't have all of your ducks in a row. Or maybe the ducks aren't even in the same room. Like you might know what you want to sell, but you don't have any of the assets in place just yet. It'll be a busy couple of weeks for you, but if you want to put your head down, I've got some resources that you'll find helpful and help you knock out that copy before Black Friday. And you could be in camp three. You're not planning to participate in Black Friday Cyber Monday at all? Totally fine. But just know that I'm sharing a few great reminders for how you can still [00:03:00] get the most out of this upcoming consumer marathon, even if you're not actively having a promotion and you know it. As I'm recording this, I'm thinking there's even a camp for and you could be a charity who's wanting to capitalize on this seasonal event as well.

    [00:03:17] And I do have a few ideas for you in this episode too, so you should also listen. What I've done to create the Survival Guide is I've gone back into my podcast archive to curate a few top notch episodes that, when you listen to them all together, will essentially create a masterclass on how to prep and plan your flash sale, how to write strong sales copy, and how to get value. Even if you choose to sit out of the Black Friday Cyber Monday hubbub. I've included all the links to the episodes in the show notes, so after you listen to this one, you can go and check out the rest of the episodes in the order [00:04:00] I recommend, or pick and choose the ones that feel right fit for you. The first episode in the audio series is episode 41, the £0.05 Flash Sale formula. This episode gives you the complete blueprint and steps to plan a successful flash sale, like the one you'd have around Black Friday, Cyber Monday, or any flash sale you're having before the year end. You'll get tips for having a successful flash sale and how they can help you give your business a boost. You'll find out why you don't need to discount your product and services to run a flash sale, and what you can do instead.

    [00:04:41] I'll share some myths you shouldn't believe about flash sales, and you'll find out what goes into each of the five P's of the formula, which stands for Prep plan, pre-launch, promote, and Profit. This single 15 minute [00:05:00] episode is a master class on its own, so definitely listen to it. But when you pair it with the next episode, you'll be totally prepared for a blockbuster Black Friday Cyber Monday sale. The next episode you should listen to is episode eight, The five C's of Copywriting. The five C's describe the foundations for writing effective sales copy. You need to be clear and have clarity. You need to be concise. You must have some credibility. You need to be compelling, and you must infuse some compassion. Now, in this episode, you'll find out why clarity is so important when writing your sales copy. You'll find out why it's important to kill your darlings. You'll find out how to include credibility boosters and how to make compelling calls to action. And you'll discover why compassion is the missing ingredient to effective sales copy. [00:06:00] This episode is a tutorial for writing all great sales copy any time of the year. But if you're busy writing copy for your upcoming Black Friday Cyber Monday sale, make sure you listen to this nine minute episode before you finalize your ad copy. Your landing pages or your email sequences. Okay, the next episode in your Black Friday Cyber Monday Audio Survival Guide is great for every single business owner and every marketer.

    [00:06:28] Episode 17 is how to get the most out of Black Friday, even if you're not selling anything. This eight minute episode tells you how to handle the oncoming onslaught of marketing, and how to use it to your advantage. You'll find out what a swipe file is and why you've got to start one. You'll hear about ways to participate in the weekend without selling anything. And in particular, I'm talking about Giving Tuesday. This [00:07:00] is a day of global philanthropy, and you can participate if you're having a Black Friday sale. And even if you're not. This short episode might inspire you to support a charity or a cause you love, which will help you and your brand stand out on this busy weekend and the next episode in your Black Friday Cyber Monday Audio Survival Guide is perfect if you know you want to have a sale before the end of the year, but maybe you know you won't have all your stuff together before Black Friday Cyber Monday. So check out episode 58. It shares 18 out of the box ways small businesses can drive sales with a year end promotion. You'll get some great innovative ideas for having a flash sale during the most lucrative quarter of the year. Whether it's an anniversary sale, a retirement sale, a holiday survival kit, a full moon sale, a mini course and so many more, it's another [00:08:00] quickie 14 minute episode that could spark an idea for your next profitable promotion.

    [00:08:06] So definitely give it a listen. And you know what? I just made a last minute decision to include one more episode in your audio survival guide. I want to include this episode for the charities and nonprofits who may be listening, or if you're involved with a charity, you can refer this to them. If you're running a Giving Tuesday campaign and asking for donations, you will want a powerful copywriting formula to get your donors to give generously. Episode 20 gives you that copywriting formula. The formula is called aka or aka and it stands for awareness, comprehension, conviction, and action. This episode breaks down exactly what you should say in each section, and it gives you an example of what it sounds [00:09:00] like. If you aren't with a charity, you can easily adapt this formula for your business too. So that's why I'm including this very powerful copywriting formula. Now, my friend, the next thing you want to do is dip into your Black Friday Cyber Monday audio survival guide. Head to the show notes and click on the link of that first episode listed there, or choose any of the ones I recommend. If you binge listen to all of them, you'll be finished in well under an hour and even less if you listen on 1.5 speed.

    [00:09:36] It's time well spent if you want to not just survive, but totally kick the marketing ass over the next few weeks. And if you need a little extra help, reach out to me because I can support you with a 90 minute copy quick fix strategy session or a one day VIP copy intensive where I can write all the copy for you. You know where to find me, but that's [00:10:00] it for me today. I'll see you back here next week for episode 68, where I'm going to share with you some of the words you need to banish from your marketing materials. Stay tuned for that one. I'll see you then. Hey, thanks for joining me for today's episode. But before you go, I want to make sure you've grabbed a new tool to help you assess the effectiveness of your sales copy. It's an easy to use tool that will help you identify what's working well and what could we improved among all of the copy assets you have in your business? Grab the Sales Copy scorecard right now to find quick and easy ways to improve your sales copy and boost sales. Get your free scorecard over at Khimki NHL.com Slash Scorecard. I'll be back next week with another quick tip writing prompt or sales hack for you?

    [00:10:53] See you then.

Resources Mentioned

Episode 41: The 5P Flash Sale Formula

Episode 8: The 5Cs of copywriting

Episode 17: How to get the most out of Black Friday - even if you’re not selling anything

Episode 58: 18 out-of-the-box ways small businesses can drive sales with a year-end promotion

Episode 20: Don’t write from scratch! Use the ACCA copywriting formula to get more sales and donations

Additional Resources

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68: Banish these words from your online marketing (and what to say instead)


66: Finding joy when things are heavy