38: How to craft your BFD statement - and why all businesses need one


In today’s episode of ill communication, I’m sharing a simple and effective marketing tool that will help you amplify your authority and make it so that people want to work with you. I’m sharing how to craft your power statement or your BFD statement- which stands for Big Freakin’ Deal.

Your BFD statement is a short sentence that describes your authority and builds trust with your audience. It quickly and clearly explains why you're the best at what you do, and it helps to differentiate you in your marketplace and it makes people want to work with you.

Business owners and brands should all have a BFD statement. You can use it in your marketing, on your About page, in your social media bios, or in your podcast introductions. So, I’m sharing how to create the perfect BFD statement for your business.

Topics We Cover in This Episode:

  • What a BFD statement is and why you need one

  • How you can use this statement to grow your business

  • How to create your power statement

  • Examples of effective BFD statements

So there you have it! Everything you need to know about what a BFD statement is, why you need one, and how to create the perfect statement for your business. I hope you found this episode helpful and that you will get started writing your BFD statement today.

If you want some help crafting or reworking your power statement, this is something we regularly do inside the Joy of Copy Club. Learn more about how you can join at kimkiel.com/copyclub.

  • Welcome to Ill Communication, Copywriting, Tips and sales strategies for small Business. I'm your host, Kim Keel. I'm a copy coach, sales strategist and direct response copywriter. It's my mission to help women leaders and change makers amplify their voices through copy. It's why I'm dishing out all the juicy tips, writing prompts and sales formulas to help you generate more leads, book more calls, and get more high value clients on repeat. Sounds pretty good. It's time to ditch the overwhelm you might be feeling and find confidence in your copywriting so you can get your message out there and attract more soulmate clients. Let's get started. Hello, my sweet friend, and welcome to episode 38 of the Ill Communication Podcast. In today's episode, you're going to get a simple and effective marketing tool to help you amplify your authority so people want to work with you. So I recently got back from an amazing spring break holiday in Palm Desert in Southern California. We went on desert hikes, we went swimming, we played some golf. And my husband and I planned a quick side trip to San Diego to take our teenage boys to see their first Major League Baseball game. In addition to getting tickets to watch one of the San Diego Padres opening weekend games, I booked us into a tour of the baseball stadium, Petco Park. And let me tell you, the behind the scenes tour of the stadium was incredible.

    It was informative. It was interesting. And I highly recommend getting a tour of Petco Park if you're in San Diego. When we scanned our tickets at the start of the tour, we were given large brown stickers to put on our shirts to show we're part of this behind the scenes tour. The Brown stickers read. I enjoyed a tour of America's number one ballpark, and I instantly recognized this as a very effective marketing tool. I'm specifically referring to Petco Park, claiming it's America's number one ballpark. My brain loved seeing that we were at America's number one ballpark. It was a little boost of social proof and authority that made me feel good about choosing to book a tour at America's number one ballpark. And it's a perfect example of what we're talking about in this episode. We're talking about the power statement or the BFD statement, which stands for Big Freakin Deal. The big freaking deal statement is a short sentence that describes your authority and builds trust with your audience. It quickly and clearly explains why you're the best at what you do, and it helps to differentiate you in your marketplace and it makes people want to work with you. Power statements are often used in people's bios or when they're introduced on a podcast or on stage and they sound something like this.

    The world's leading authority, the leading expert on the number one coach for. As an example, Mel Robbins always introduces herself on her podcast with her power statement. In every episode, she introduces herself by saying, My name is Mel Robbins. I'm a New York Times best selling author and one of the world's leading experts on motivation, change and habits. Sometimes she introduces herself as one of the most trusted experts in the world on behavior change and motivation. By saying this, she's reminding us of why she's a big freakin deal and why we should trust what she has to say. Business owners and brands should all have a BFD statement. You can use it in your marketing, on your about page, in your social media bios, or in your podcast introductions, just the same way as Mel Robbins. The first step to creating your power statement is to brainstorm a list of your accomplishments, awards and anything that makes you a badass. Take a look at your Google reviews and customer testimonials for ideas and don't limit the things you add to your list. Include things you're amazing at in your personal life. So if you're like me and you can whip up a great meal for your family in under ten minutes, or you're like my crazy husband and you can run a 100 mile ultra marathons, write that stuff down.

    You don't necessarily use them in your power statement, but it is great to have this list of accomplishments to remind you that you are truly a badass. And side note, if anyone ever asks you to share a surprising or random fact about you, you can pull from this list. Now, if imposter syndrome or your inner critic is blocking you, it might be helpful to imagine how a cocky 20 year old white male who believes he's hot shit at everything would write your awesome list. If you have to borrow someone else's audacious confidence, go for it. And I talk more about creating your cheat sheet of awesomeness back in episode two How to Write Your Bio with a five Sentence Formula. So go back and listen to that episode for a few reminders. I'll drop the link to that episode in the show notes. Step two to crafting your power statement is to create a short list of what's relevant to your business and your ideal clients. You want to focus on what's relevant to them. What would bust any objections they might have about working with you? So maybe you're pulling out things like you wrote a best selling book, or maybe you're a CEO of a business that's on the INC 5000 or a Fortune 500. Maybe you've helped your clients generate $100 million through your coaching. Create a short list of your business related accomplishments.

    Step three is to pair these accomplishments with a power phrase. And I'm going to list a bunch of power phrases now. So if you want to pause the episode to open your notes app or grab a pen and paper to jot a few of these down, go ahead and do that. All right. Here are a few power phrases. The first and only an acclaimed, most recognized premier. The leading. The largest or the biggest. The most highly sought after. Most highly certified. Most decorated. Most distinguished. Canada's number one award winning top notch. Best in the business. Best in class industry, leading incomparable world's leading expert or most trusted expert. Take this list of power phrases and just start brainstorming and playing with combinations that feel aligned to you and your brand. And I'll tell you, for a lot of women and people from marginalized communities, this will feel a little difficult because we're not used to claiming our own expertise and authority. But trust me, do it anyway. As you play around with the permutations and combinations, you'll arrive at your perfect big freaking deal statement. Here are a few examples. Kim Keal is an award winning communicator and a leading marketing expert for Gen X Women in Business. Or. Kim Keal is the host of a top rated marketing podcast and a brand voice expert for ethical businesses.

    Jane Doe is the leading public safety expert for emergency operations and corporations worldwide. Sammi Smith is the most highly certified therapist and wellness expert in Canada. Fanny Faye is the most trusted mindset expert for ambitious women CEOs. Now it goes without saying you're not making anything up if you won an award in Girl Guides. Unrelated to what you do, you probably shouldn't claim to be an award winner. You should be able to back up your claim if anyone asks. Although I can pretty much guarantee no one will ask. During the tour of Petco Park Stadium, no one asked why they were America's number one ballpark. For all we know, it could be because they have the highest ticket sales, the most seats, the best customer experience, the biggest square footage. Or maybe it's because they have the priciest hot dogs. Just make sure you can ground your statement in reality. And this is more to help you take ownership of it and feel confident saying it than anything else. So there you have it. The three Steps to Crafting Your Big Freaking Deal Statement Number one, write down your list of accomplishments. Number two, whittle down your list to a couple key things relevant to your business and your audience. And number three, pair it with a power phrase. Once you have your power statement, add it to your about page, your LinkedIn bio, or your Facebook profile.

    It will demonstrate your authority and help your audience and ideal buyers trust. They are working with the best of the best. And if you want help crafting or reworking your power statement, this is something we regularly do inside the Joy of Copy Club. So make sure you reach out to me for more information about how to join. Thank you so much for tuning in this week. I'll see you next time. Hey, would you like to hang out with me and other women business owners doing rad things in the world just like you? Then you should join the Joy of Copy Club. It's a group copy coaching experience where you receive access to all my sales templates, writing prompts and copy recipes. So you're never wondering what or how to write once a week. You can pop into my open office hours where we'll live, review and edit any kind of copy you've written. Seriously, you can bring a social post, an email or even some edits to your home page and I'll help you optimize it before you send it out into the world. The Joy of Copy Club gives you the tools and the confidence to get your message out there so you can grow your impact and your revenue. Find out more at Kim Kilcommon Copy Club. I'll see you next week.

Resources Mentioned

Listen to the episode all about writing your bio

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